Tooth aches... Why did God give our teeth nerves? Was it so we would pay attention to them when something went wrong? Probably. But then why did He tie the tooth nerves to those that connect to the inner ear? This I may not know until I stand before Him and ask. What I do know is that when I get a tooth ache in a molar in my upper or lower jaw it goes straight to my inner ear and now do I not only have a tooth ache but I have an ear ache as well. And there isn't much that I can do about it. Without dental insurance or with dental insurance that makes you pay up front first and has a whopping deductible there isn't much a person can do about getting a cracked tooth fixed. Yes, I'm pretty sure that it's cracked by the way it responds to cold and pressure. Normally I would go the my dentist and get it checked out. She would then tell me what I already know and send me off the the endodontist for a root canal, $600.00 to $900.00 right there. Then I'd go back to her after a couple of weeks and she would then crown it, another $600.00 to 900.00! I simply don't have that kind of money. The insurance that we have requires that we pay for the dental work up front then get reimbursed later. And the endodontist requires payment in full before they will finish the work. So I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. No money for dental care and nothing to kill the pain but acetaminophen. And that doesn't always work.
So if you know of a national organization that offers either to help pay for dental work or offers it free then please leave a comment telling me who they are and for the love of Mike PLEASE leave their phone number!
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Saturday, December 13, 2008
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