MY TEETH HURT! Now I have 2 teeth that hurt ALL THE TIME and I can't do anything about it. Unfortunately for me they are on opposite sides of my mouth. I am consuming acetaminophen by the bottle full but it sometimes only dulls the pain. And when I do get the pain stopped it is only briefly because as soon as I eat the pain begins all over again and so I spend another night in agony, swallowing copious amounts of acetaminophen and rubbing generic oral gel onto my gums all in an attempt to ease the pain. If I only had about $4,000.00 then I could go and get root channels and crowns for these offensive bicuspids and then be pain free once again. Yes, I WANT to have root channels! I've had many in the past and once the open nerve is shot full of Novocaine I'm pain free from then on!
The bad things about these toothaches is there position in my mouth. They are along the nerve line that feeds to my ears so when they hurt so do my ears! Yes, I get a toothache and I get an earache as well. But now as well as a toothache and an earache on my right side I'm also experiencing pain in my temple! For the love of humanity will the pain never end? I can't go to the dentist because I don't have insurance and I don't have enough money to even pay for an office visit to examine my teeth to pinpoint the offending bicuspids.
My condition should lead to weight loss. My mouth hurts so bad when I eat eating is not the pleasure that it once was. Both teeth are pressure sensitive and the one on the right is sensitive to cold as well. So eating ice cream is especially torturous. But so is drinking anything cold, unless I use a straw. And eating even soft bread and tender deli meats is a new experience in pain. Why this had to happen at this time in my life I'll never know. I can't even afford to have them pulled, a course of last resort, for pulling them without having partials put in their place will just cause my other teeth to wander and that, my friends, will cause all sorts of problems.
I'll tell you what I want you, yes, YOU to do. I want you to send me an email asking for my name and malling addy so you can do us both a favor. You can write me a big fat check covering all or part of my dental expenses so I can get the much needed dental work done and you can feel good that you helped a fellow human being out, big time! It will also be a nice tax right-off for you. And you would have my undying gratitude, for whatever that's worth to you. So get out that checkbook, send me an email and help me become pain free once again, PLEASE!
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The Old Geezer
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Sunday, January 4, 2009
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1 comment:
bummer. Should have listened back in the day...... :)~
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